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the side job: expressing your passions

A young college student asked me this week, “Should I study what I like or what will get me a job?” She earnestly wanted me to say, “Study what you love”. Which I did.

Didn’t you start out that way? Picking a path that was calling you. Youth is a time for risks. It’s a time to learn more about yourself. Perhaps along the way you realized you needed skills and experience that would finance you and possibly family in later life. So you found work that paid for housing, food, clothing, fun. But maybe you miss the love you left behind.

That passion or great interest that you experience at one or many times in your life feels almost like play. It is of such significance that you want to experience it endlessly. Maybe it’s in the fields of art, music, writing, history or science. For some reason you react differently when you are in it. It feeds you. You may wonder how did this happen? Other people don’t seem so compelled by my love.

But you are. Maybe for a short time or maybe the fascination stays with you forever. And what if you ignore it? What if you brush it aside as if it’s silly, impractical, not important to your future or survival.

The hard truth is if you ignore it, you’ll rob yourself of an opportunity to express a piece of yourself. You’ll shut off the chance to voice your spirit. And your life will become less because of it.

Many people find a way to have both: they work to pay the bills and also emerse themselves in something they love. Or if you are really fortunate, your career may be something you love. In her book ” The Big Magic, Creative Living Beyond Fear” Elizabeth Gilbert encourages us to answer the call of curiosity and creativity. “Creative fields make for crap careers, but creative living can be an amazing vocation”.

Often it takes maturity and experience to turn a love into a career. Gilbert herself had many writing jobs before her fourth book was so successful she could support herself. Mark Zuckerberg, co-founder of Facebook, discovered a way to do both while in college.

“Curiosity is what keeps you working steadily, following that scavenger hunt of curiosity can lead you to amazing, unexpected places”

Elizabeth Gilbert

Another model is to have a main career that provides for your material needs and a side job that fuels your soul. Geneva is a ceramist. Her fine art work is unique and valued by a wide audience including galleries and museums. At one time she supported herself by showing her work at national art shows.The economy was booming and people were decorating their homes and offices. Today is different. Older people are downsizing and younger aren’t spending on art. In order to make a living now Geneva is teaching high school ceramics. She receives satisfaction in mentoring young students and still does her art on the side. She advises her classes not to expect to make a living making pots, but to express their creativity and discover their passions.

Brad is a writer working on his third history book. Since sales of his books don’t support him, Brad works for an association doing technical writing. Both Geneva and Brad continue with their loves of art and writing and have created related careers. Perhaps when their financial resources grow, they can turn their paying careers into the side jobs and give their passions their main attention.

Other people jump into volunteer positions or take classes to have an opportunity to do what they love or to determine what fits. Some choose to use their talents on issues or populations they care for in order to feel a special contribution. The essential point is to feed the part of your soul that puts you in flow. That part that is so intriguing you don’t ever want to stop, the engagement that transforms you.

Find your Side Job:

Identify your interests
Make time to express them
Ask if they can support you
If not find additional work
Continue to grow in your passions

Take the leap and see you on the path!


reasons you work: career evolution

Retirement here I come! Are you longing for the day when you don’t have to work anymore? When you can retire? This concept of retirement is changing dramatically. Previously, retirement usually occurred around 65 and most entered a life of rest and relaxation. That’s no longer the template.

Many people are working for pay way past 65. Either because they need funds to survive or because they have uncovered a reason to keep working. And most are doing some form of unpaid work. Whether it’s caregiving parents, partners or grandchildren, serving their communities or volunteering with non-profits.

Why do you work? Looking over your work cycle, note how the reasons you work change over time. You probably worked during high school and college. These were spending money jobs, money for books, tuition money or internships that introduced you to various fields. Some jobs were paid and others you did for experience or to give back. Maybe through volunteering you earned credits or good references or a place in heaven.

Remember your first real job after graduation? Were you working because you were driven or because it was expected? Were you hoping to live independently and become successful in a chosen field? Or were you testing the waters, making relationships, learning about yourself?

As you grow, so do your reasons for working. There is often the need not only to support yourself, but also a growing family. There is the societal pressure to accumulate material possessions and experiences, like cars, homes, vacations. But there is also the drive to move up the ladder. Take on more responsibility and leadership, and produce results while becoming an expert in your profession.

Samantha is in her 50’s and was just appointed full professor at the state university. She worked very hard to get there, teaching, doing research, chairing committees, earning grants. Samantha is often tired and overwhelmed with her work load. She always thought being a professor would be something she could do forever, slowing down gradually as she aged. And yet as she rises through the ranks, it seems people expect more from her. And the system she entered no longer looks the same. She is teaching less and grant writing more.

While Samantha questions what is ahead for her, she hardly dares to ask why she continues in her position. What does it provide her? Is she fulfilled?

Samantha’s friend Harry is retired and his life seems so simple to Samantha. He appears to have no pressures and his time is his own. Harry retired because he could afford it and was no longer finding work satisfaction. Harry thought he accomplished everything he desired, but now often finds himself adrift.

Harry is 70 and society accepts that he is retired. No one asks him why he isn’t working. In fact if he found a new career or started his own business, people might wonder why. Now if Samantha retired at 55, she might have to explain herself to family, friends, society.

As long as we believe there is a prescribed place you need to be based on your age, we will have people who defy those norms. As people age, most seek work that has meaning and purpose. Meaningful to you and meaningful to others.

How will you decide when to work and when to retire? How will you answer that question: What do you do? Who are you? How will you design what is best for you?

George is 85 and still works for pay part time. His sister is 88 and working also. This wasn’t the norm with their parents, but it is their way. If you ask them why they still work, they will tell you they enjoy it. It stimulates them. They are making a difference and choose to be involved. Who are we to say what’s best or right for someone else? How can we acknowledge all the various life designs that people create?

“If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away.”

Henry David Thoreau

You can benefit from these diverse role models as you chart your course. There is no script to follow. You have the freedom to make life fit your desires. A second, third, fourth act await you, if you wish. Your legacy will comprise all that you create and the lives you touch.

Why work:

List your current reasons for working
Make a work history time line
Identify your current legacies
Imagine how your future could be different
Take one step toward your vision

Happy drumming and hope to meet on the path!

the audition: testing the waters to a new career

A 16 year old American girl in an impoverished Haitian neighborhood is interviewing sick people attending a clinic run by U.S. volunteers. How did she get there? Instead of texting with friends, learning the latest dance steps or writing an English paper, Claudia found herself in a totally unfamiliar environment. An invitation from her uncle turned into an experience of a lifetime.

Think of those incredible times when you experienced a unique experience. An experience that shaped your future. An experience available to you because you took a chance.

Claudia was open to seeing a new country and to taking on a new responsibility. From that short exposure, Claudia received an up close view of medical work. By trying on that environment, she now has more information about what it’s like to work as a doctor, nurse or medical assistant. Claudia loved being part of the team, loved seeing people get help and was intrigued by what future roles will be open for her.

By emersing yourself in diverse occupations, you can learn a great deal. Is this for me? Do I have a fit? You either are propelled to discard and move on or to delve deeper. Claudia is interested. She wants more experiences like this. She is on track to get medical training.

When you were young, it was expected that you would “audition” in various settings to gain information about your interests and aptitude. Your family arranged opportunities, as did the scouts, your schools and faith based groups. You experimented with many types of work and activities which helped you chose a focus.

But you aren’t 16 anymore. How do you make a career change when you long for something different?

At the end of the day, your life is just a story. If you don’t like the direction it’s going, change it. Rewrite it. When you rewrite a sentence, you erase it and start over until you get it right. Yes, it’s a little more complicated with a life, but the principle is the same. And remember, don’t let anyone ever tell you that your revisions are not the truth.”

Tyler Jones

Susana is in transition. She has practiced law successfully for 20 years. But something is off. Susana is reluctant to go to work in the morning and, once there, is often irritable and dissatisfied. She knows she wants to make a change, but she doesn’t know what or where. Susana needs exposure to some different environments. She needs to shake things up. Just like Claudia, Susana is eager to be amazed.

But how do adults test out alternate careers? You are working and handling life’s responsibilities with little free time. How do you carve out time for “auditions”?

Claudia was also busy. She petitioned her high school to take time off and agreed to write a special report on her Haitian trip. You too can be creative with your time. You can use vacation hours to volunteer or intern in an intriguing field. Organizations, domestic and international, look for people to teach, build, create and solve problems. Instead of a beach, perhaps an orphanage or wildlife preserve is calling you.

With free evening and weekend time you can take courses, volunteer in your community, serve on a board. Designing a detailed plan to investigate a new career field through part time emersion gets you in motion instead of misery. It also allows you to enter a community of people who are bursting with knowledge and enthusiasm about their fields.

The parts of Susana’s job she loves are mentoring new employees. They are eager to learn and ask probing questions. Susana wonders where she could do work that focuses on mentoring. She finds a Saturday volunteer position where she tutors students living in a domestic violence shelter. Her plan is to do this for 6 months and evaluate her aptitude and interest. While doing so, she is investigating part time adjunct law professor positions in local universities.

By trying on and expanding, or discarding, Susana is creating her own decision tree made up of experiences and answers. Some she will leave behind, some may become hobbies, and some may lead her to dive deeper into a new direction.

Decide it’s your time to make a change:

Dare to dream
List your interests
Investigate one
Create an internship
Interview the community
Evaluate your experience

Shake life up and see you on the path!

taking shortcuts: career transition options

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon we kayaked from the Pentagon to Georgetwon, sharing the Potomac River with various water enthusiasts. The views were breathtaking and the exercise devine. Paddling farther than ever before, I began to think about the way back. Would it be possible to take a different route? One that was shorter, easier, quicker?

So I proposed that we leave the river and enter a creek that was a parallel shortcut to our launch site. We’d gone this way before and it was peaceful, solitary, and filled with birds and turtles. It seemed like the perfect plan.

However after a short distance, the creek became filled with green, seaweed-type plants. Was this hydrilla that had spread since our last visit? Once we had taken this route and the low tide required us to portage. This time we had sufficient water, but the vegetation stopped our boats cold. We were about halfway in and couldn’t see our destination yet. “Perhaps it will get better,” I thought. “I’d hate to turn around and go back.” So we stroked very hard, trying to rid our paddles of the accumulating green plants that hung on everything.

If we stopped, we stayed stuck. It reminded me of stories about quicksand disasters…no way out. We tried to make paths for each other. The first one clearing a way for the second. All the while I’m thinking, “this really wasn’t a smart move, Candy. Why did you think you could cut corners and make it back easier and faster?”

Once home safely with aching arms, I began to see the parallels with decisions we make in life. And especially with times when we want to change our work. Perhaps we yearn to join a new, more evolved company or more radically, we envision switching to a completely new career. Once we decide to make the change, we want it to happen fast. And even easy would be great.

So we search for the shortcuts. Veronica is a counselor who works with homeless families. She loves helping her clients, but the work is often challenging and the resources are scarce. As Veronica ages, she would like shorter hours and easier work. The field of Life Coaching is making news these days. Veronica doesn’t know much about it, but some of her colleagues are talking about a switch.

Veronica attends a workshop on coaching and is intrigued. She would love to work with people who have sufficient resources to create desired changes in their lives. Veronica signs up for a coach training course and starts to plan her job exit. Veronica is thinking that with her background and this training, she’ll have a coaching practice up in less than one year.

Many people are attracted to changing their field of work. However, they are reluctant to spend time and money on a new degree or certification and training. They worry they are too old to spend a long time “starting over”. They want the destination, but hope to avoid the journey. These obstacles can result in remaining in a dissatisfying work environment or jumping into something new with little preparation or thought.

Avoiding what you view as a challenge can bring greater impediments. Without proper information and planning, Veronica may have unrealistic expectations of her proposed career as a coach. One way to get the inside facts is to interview people who are doing work you admire. It’s important to get current information on the trends, opportunities, salaries, skills needed, demand, and competition.

What if I had asked someone about the current conditions in the creek? If I had known the path was overgrown and had compared the effort required with that of the river route, I would have had greater knowledge to make an informed decision. Instead, I impulsively tried the “easy” option. Sometimes what’s best for you isn’t the quickest or the easiest. Sometimes the harder path takes you to where you really want to go.

“It shouldn’t be easy to be amazing. Then everything would be. It’s the things you fight for and struggle with before earning that have the greatest worth. When something’s difficult to come by, you’ll do that much more to make sure it’s even harder-or impossible-to lose”
Sarah Dessen

Design your route:

Determine your end goal
Interview role models
Identify the steps needed
Examine the cost/benefits
Begin or re-work your plan

Full speed ahead and see you on the path!

beginning a new job: demonstrating your value, part 3

You were hired to produce results. As basic as that sounds, achieving results early in a new job can be a challenge. You may be entering a role that is familiar. Or perhaps, you are moving up to one of greater responsibility and authority, either within your organization or elsewhere.

This new role is one you sought out and thought about for a long time. Now that it’s yours, how will you demonstrate your value to your employer? You seek to be recognized for the good work you do. In order to insure success, here are some principles to keep in mind.

You aren’t in Kansas anymore. What worked in previous environments may or may not work here. To enter a new organization with a pre-conceived solution may set you up for failure. You can bring your previous skills, knowledge, values, and experience, but a solution is developed over time.

Often you lack extensive time to prove yourself. Michael D. Watkins talks of the “break even point, the time when you contribute as much value to the organization as you consume”. To create that value it helps to establish a 90 day work plan which includes priorities, goals, strategies, and deadlines. This is accomplished in collaboration with your supervisor and team. Regular feedback on your progress will keep you on track to become successful.

Maria recently was promoted to head the department where she has worked for 10 years. Maria holds many ideas of improvements that can benefit her former peers as well as streamline results. She is an expert in her previous role and respected in the company. However, Maria has never directed a unit nor partnered with management.

Maria’s 90 day plan needs to include her personal learning objectives as well as early wins that matter to the organization. Maria and her supervisor need to establish realistic expectations for her first 90 days. Maria will accelerate her transition by focusing on the company’s stated priorities versus her preferred ideas for change.

As time goes by, Maria realizes the view from the Manager’s office is different than where she stood before. She now has more information: input from other units, contact with clients, and competitors. Maria feels more invested in the organization’s success. While she hasn’t lost her former perspective, Maria is building on it to function effectively in her new position. She finds this both exciting and challenging.

While theses first 90 days in a new job are filled with learning, growing, producing, and building new relationships, they can be exhausting. The self care you were able to manifest before the transition helps some, but this care needs to continue in order to fuel your development.

How many times have you begun a new job only to say later, “What have I gotten myself into?” The pressure and uncertainty can become overwhelming. Therefore, another “must do” is creating a unique self care plan.

“We will be more successful in all our endeavors if we can let go of the habit of running all the time and take little pauses to relax and re-center ourselves. And we’ll also have a lot more joy in living.”

Thich Nhat Hahn

Stress is a huge factor in our work lives and even more during transitions. Having a plan to combat stress includes exercise, eating whole foods, adopting a support network, and having an outlet for fun. Pick an activity that brings you healthy joy with people you trust and care about. Some possibilities are: a hiking club, dancing, painting, or acting. We all require an outlet and social interaction outside of work to relieve pressure.

Maria is now three months into her new position. It’s been a tremendous learning experience and she’s fortunate to have a supportive boss as her mentor. People want Maria to succeed. Her perspective of “new eyes” is bringing innovative strategies to increase the company’s bottom line. There’s more growth to come, but Maria is off to a promising beginning.

Establish your 90 day plan:

Align it with the organization’s priorities
Develop necessary skills
Demonstrate early wins
Evaluate your progress
Practice self care

Enjoy your transition and see you on the path!