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Step Two to Finding Your True Calling



Once you have a vision of where you want to be in the future, you are ready to take the next step.  Perhaps you’ve heard the story of someone walking into Baskin Robbins and telling the clerk, “I don’t want vanilla ice cream”.  OK, but what DO you want? Even though you are certain about what you don’t want, it is vital to take the risk to go after what you do.

Maybe your vision is solidly formed or just an inkling of what’s next.  It may come to you in images, phrases or sensations. Whatever floats into your consciousness is a message that gives you something to work with.  It’s like anything you have created from scratch:  a meal, a garden, a letter, or a piece of clothing.  You get started and it grows to express your desires.

What does your future vision tell you?  Tease out the theme of your calling.  Does it cry out for you to work more creatively or more independently or to deliver more impact in the world?  As you mature, the motivators that drive your direction begin to change. What was driving you five years ago, may no longer be relevant.  New interests and priorities are growing within you.  For example, it is noted that the desire to leave a legacy increases as we age.  We want to make a contribution.

Ask yourself which parts of your work/life need tweaking.  Where will you get most return for your effort?  What do you see when you close your eyes?  When I close my eyes, I see clouds representing various aspects of my life.  If you were to grab hold of one aspect of your life to change, where would you start?

Often we bite off more than we can handle and quickly give up in disappointment when results aren’t immediately forthcoming.  Instead if you were to take one aspect of your work or life and turn the dial 5-10 degrees toward your desired vision, how would that be?  Often small changes allow us to luxuriate in a new space and decide if that’s the direction we are truly seeking.

Claudia is someone who loves the outdoors and being active.  When she studied horticulture in college, she spent months on farms both in Texas and South America. After 20 years progressing in her career, Claudia is now the vice president of product development for an international food corporation.  Claudia spends her time in a C-suite on teleconference calls and in meetings all week.  In fact her work is so demanding that she rarely leaves before dark and often takes work home on the weekends.  Claudia’s connection with nature and the environment is severely lacking.

Claudia craves a change, but is confused where to begin.  Step two in finding your true calling is putting a stake in the ground and taking the first steps.  Where you go and how fast are dictated by your interests and motivation.  How important is this change in direction for you?  How urgent?

If you are ready for action now, write 1-3 goals for the next 90 days.  According to Caroline Adams Miller in her book Creating Your Best Life, it’s important that your goals be viewed not as tasks, but as something attractive to undertake.  Choose goals that are:

Approach vs avoidance goals
Not too easy, but just beyond your fingertips
Specific and Measurable
Tied to your values

Remembering the Nike ad, “Just Do It, it is imperative that we act on our dreams.  The more we think, the more we find reasons to stall.  Taking the first step with joy and curiosity will get your wheels turning toward a life that better fits you.

Create your own Board of Advisors to hold you accountable in your efforts.  Tell others what you are changing and allow them to cheer you on.

Take a chance and I’ll see you on the path!